2020 Vacations photographs
Parked near Fish Creek, which is just southwest of Hannagan
Meadows, US 191 in AZ.
Much of the area from Hannagan Meadows to the town of
Greer was destroyed by the Wallow fire in June of 2011.
This ruined the Fish Creek site, and I could not finf Polygonia
faunus in a 4 day visit. The fire was a 'spot fire', in which
strong winds carry embers to new locations and start new
fires. This made it difficult to control and led to extensive
Another view of the damage.
Another view of the damage.
Butterfly trap set along the creek.
This one is set near my truck.
Hesperia nevada on a dandelion.
Now I am in southeast Washington, at a very good spot for
Polygonia. They really like the outhouse, and I set two traps
here. One on the southeast side.
And one on the northwest side
Caught around 130 over two days, mostly Polygonia.
Now I am in Okanogan County, Washington, near Salmon
Meadows, the TL for Polygonia satyrus neomarysas.
Set 5 traps over two days, but caught few in the traps.
I caught most Polygonia just up this dirt path, along a creek
crossing frequented by cattle, released by ranchers to destroy
the public land, which they do quite well.
Now I am along Highway 43 in Montana, which runs from
Highway 93 to the west and 278 to the east, near the town of
Very nice night, and I camped here.
The rig, parked for the night.
Chipmunk. So cute, except when they are chewing through
your backpack to steal your food.
Steller's Jay.
Same Steller's Jay.
Near Salmon Meadows, WA.
Another shot.
Polygonia faunus on a trap, along Twin Creek near FR 156 in
Lemhi Co., ID.
A closer shot.
Polygonia satyrus, along Twin Creek near FR 156 in Lemhi
Co., ID
Another Polygonia faunus on a trap, along Twin Creek near
FR 156 in Lemhi Co., ID.
Polygonia faunus on a tree, along Twin Creek near FR 156 in
Lemhi Co., ID.
Polygonia faunus on a trap, along Twin Creek near FR 156 in
Lemhi Co., ID.
Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Pronghorn antelope grazing in Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Mule deer grazing in Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Sweet Grass Co., MT.
The omnipresent bird, Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Sweet Grass Co., MT.
Pronghorn antelope grazing in Sweet Grass Co., MT.