Saturday morning I spied this juvenile Red-tailed Hawk.
Milbert's tortoiseshell. Very common the first weekend, but a cold front mid-week sent them into hibernation.
Different specimen, fresher.
I got to Stirland Lake around 2 pm and set up camp. Nice little boat launch. BTW, Stirland means blueberry in the native language.
I brought my 4 man tent, very spacious.
The campsite before I pitched my tent.
The boat launch.
That channel just past the weeds in the center of the photo is where I caught hundreds of walleye.
Looking up the inlet to the lake. The road is just past the trees.
Tuesday morning I visited an old school grounds. Kids stayed here in the 80's and 1990's. I camped in the main lodge in 2010.
Another house.
Little less care for this one.
This one too.
More buildings.
The main lodge. The Ross's now stay here.
Thunder Bay Joe and his son standing on the dock. This is Stirland Lake.
The boat house.
More buildings.
I fried walleye here in 2010.
The entrance to the camp. This site is 110 miles from Pickle Lake, the nearest town to the south. Road ends at Windigo Lake, 35 miles to the north.
A Spruce grouse.
A nice pond.
I like these little ponds.
The road to Windigo Lake. This is essentially a boreal desert.
Only good shot of ducks I had. Probably Mallards.
The fish camp at Windigo Lake. Now abandoned.
A fish house.
The dock on Widigo Lake.
All these lakes are rocky. This is just past the dock. I motored very slowly.
A fen.
A female Spruce grouse.
Saw two of these gas tanks on the road. Maybe emergency gas for the locals? A native Canadian village is 25 miles to the north, past the lake. I have never visited, as it is only accessible by boat when the road ends.
Parents and a young loon on a rainy day.
A male Spruce grouse.
Same one.
Three walleyes before cooking.
Thursday September 1 I saw the northern lights for the first time! Spectacular!
I thought that this sapling looked like Big Bird from Sesame Street.
A Polygonia faunus, the green comma.
Nice little pond.
A worn green comma dining on the side of a ditch.
Friday night the northern lights appeared once again.
A bunch of 1-2 pound walleyes. I ate 4-5 each day.