2013 Vacations photographs
Part C
Photographs are shown in chronological order.
For the first part of the vacation photos, click here.
For the second part of the vacation photos, click here.
To the right, the top of a small hill just north of Montana
Mountain, about 70 km south of Whitehorse. I collected here
Saturday July 13 and Sunday July 14.
A White Tailed Ptarmigan. Saturday July 13, 2013.
This one was not shy.
Same hilltop, different view.
Same bird as above photo.
Now on Sunday, this is a hilltop about a mile from where I
was yesterday (see above).
Big black rocks had me hoping for O. melissa, but I did not
find any.
Scenery shots. It was 70 F and very sunny.
I was exhausted on Sunday, having hiked almost 20 hours in
two days. But as I knew then, looking at these photographs
today, I wish I was still there!
You can see trails in the distance. This is an old mine.
Sunday, about 7:30 pm, looking toward Montana Mountain
as I leave for home.
Nice shot of the mountain.
A great ending to a great trip!
Return to Part A.