2018 Big Bend National
Park Photographs

This Swainson's hawk was perched when I left the car, took off when it saw me exit, flew away from me, and then turned into the wind and came right toward me.

Vultures were very common, soaring on the thermal
updrafts dawn to dusk.

Now soaring along the hillside.

Hillside desert scenery, near my campsite, Twisted

A little critter in an Ocotillo cactus.  These plants
scratched the heck out of my car and camper.

On Thursday I had a car day, driving to the
southeast corner of the park.  Scenery was different

A view of Elena canyon, on the Rio Grande, on the
south border of the park.

Just to the west of the last shot.

I scrambled up a ridge to take some scenery shots.  
This is my rig.

Now looking north over the desert.

Looking east from the same spot.

Moon rising over the desert from my campsite,
Twisted Shoe.

Another desert shot, from near Elena canyon, on the
Rio Grande.

The southern wall of Elena canyon.

This road stretches from the western part of the
park to the east, and is about 90 miles long.  I was
going to drive it but day was too hot and scenery
looked too bleak.

Nice desert floor shot.

Roadside shot.