2012 Vacations photographs
Part IV

This little bird hovers in the sky chirping angrily
whenever threatened.
A nesting Canadian goose in the tundra.
On the North Slope, Short-eared Owls were the
most common bird.
An illusion. Distant objects appear to float.
Saw these Musk Oxen just south of Deadhorse.
Ice Road Trucker headquarters in Deadhorse.
More Deadhorse photographs. Pretty dismal
town. I got gas and washed clothes, and left.
Ice on the bay in Deadhorse. Today is Monday,
June 25.
A loon nesting in Deadhorse.
Greater White-fronted Goose somewhere south of
This Glaucous Gull was perched on the Dalton.
Attacked by a Parasitic Jaegar, I think. I got buzzed by a tern on the Chandalar Shelf.
Short-eared Owls sit on the ground to rest.
Franklin Bluffs is visible in the background. The
iron rich soils on the east bank of the Sagavanirktok
River give the bluffs their yellow, tan, and orange
Another common bird is the Rough-legged Hawk. I frequently saw these on roadside posts.
I believe this is a Golden Plover.
Monday, June 25th campsite.
An old Musk Oxen, near Toolik Lake.
Found these bird eggs. Wednesday, June 27th, on
the slope near Pump Station 4. Was an overcast
More arctic plants, photographed near Pump
Station 4. A Darmera, an umbrella plant.
Red Bearberry (Arctous rubra .
Salix arctica, a willow.
A Meadow Vole, near the southern base of Atigun Pass. Thursday, June 28th.
Atop a peak, looking toward Atigun Pass.
Chandalar Shelf airport.
Atop the peak, south of Atigun Pass.
The Dietrich River flows south from Atigun Pass.
South Fork Koyukuk River, my campsite on
Thursday night.
Saw this grizzly just south of the arctic circle. I
was fishing when he appeared.
On the Pipeline access road, where it crosses No
Name Creek, aka North Fork Ray River. I took
Oeneis jutta here. Unusual to take this bug in an
even numbered year. Saturday, June 30.
The end of Part IV. Click here to go to Part I.