2010 Vacations photographs
In August, 2010, I visited Manitoba and western Ontario.
Photographs and videos are shown in chronological order.
Downstream of the Rat River from the dam, on Manitoba highway
The Rat River dam, on Manitoba highway 391.
The Wolverine Lodge, on Vandekerckhove Lake.
The Wolverine Lodge, on Vandekerckhove Lake.
August 12, a beautiful evening, rare on this trip.
August 12, a beautiful evening, rare on this trip. On Manitoba
highway 394.
August 12, a beautiful evening, rare on this trip. On Manitoba
highway 394.
Down the road, August 12, a beautiful evening, rare on this trip.
On Manitoba highway 394.
Down the road, August 12, a beautiful evening, rare on this trip.
On Manitoba highway 394.
Interesting clouds, August 12, 2010 on Manitoba 394.
The next day would begin 3 straight days of rain, setting a record
for Thompson Manitoba.
Tried to photograph this Bald Eagle while perched, but it saw me
and took to the wing. Along the Churchill River, north of Leaf
Rapids, which is between Thompson and Lynn Lake.
Only deer I saw was this decoy.
Boloria chariclea grandis
August 12, 2010
N57.09788 W101.70419
Manitoba, Canada
Shot this series of photographs of an ice road, which branches
from highway 394 just south of Wolverine Lodge.
From highway 394, looking north.
Looking east at the back of the warning signs. Front sign is shown
The remaining photographs were taken in Ontario, north of the
town of Pickle Lake, on the road to Windigo Lake.
Lots of cars, but no boats or fishermen.
Note from 2017: I learned that these cars are from villagers who
park here and fly to their village, to the north. A bridge is under
construction which will allow locals to drive to the town
A typical fen, about 50 km south of Windigo Lake.
Polygonia were scarce on this road, but when I found them they
were near these fens.
One of the best sites for Polygonia, just south of Stirland Lake
(N52.349 W91.034).
The fen south of Stirland Lake.